ChatGPT Email Marketing Tips: 7+ Prompt Ideas for Awesome Emails

In today’s digital age, email marketing has become an essential tool for businesses to connect with their audience and drive engagement. Crafting compelling and effective emails can be a challenging task, as it requires a deep understanding of your target market and the ability to captivate their attention. Fortunately, ChatGPT is here to lend a helping hand! In this article, we will explore seven prompt ideas that will help you create awesome emails that resonate with your subscribers and yield exceptional results. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, these tips will provide you with the inspiration and guidance you need to take your email marketing strategy to the next level.

Are you struggling with email marketing? Do you want to increase your conversion rates and ROI? It’s okay, we’re here to help with our ChatGPT email marketing tips!

With an email marketing strategy boasting an average ROI of $38 for every $1 spent and 81% of SMBs relying on it as their primary customer acquisition channel, it’s a strategy you can’t ignore. 

However, navigating this marketing channel can be confusing, leaving many businesses lost in the woods without a clear map or compass.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through using ChatGPT to create killer email content that speaks directly to your audience’s fears, anxieties, hopes, and dreams, helping you move the needle.

Benefits of ChatGPT for Email Marketing

What are the benefits of using this AI chatbot in your email marketing strategies and efforts? Let’s take a look.

Subject Line Generation

Did you know that the average office worker receives a whopping 121 emails a day? With so many emails in their inbox, having email subject lines that grabs attention is crucial.

Studies show that 47% of email recipients open an email based solely on the subject line. Luckily, ChatGPT can generate subject lines that are eye-catching and relevant to the email content.

Body Copy

According to HubSpot, creating personalized content for your email messages can improve click-through rates by 14% on average and conversions by 10%. With ChatGPT, you can generate personalized and engaging body copy that resonates with your target audience (learn more in our guide on ChatGPT for affiliate marketing).

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a must for any email marketing strategy. It lets you identify the elements driving conversions and optimize your email marketing campaigns accordingly. Studies show that A/B testing increases open rates by a whopping 29%. With ChatGPT, you can quickly create different versions of an email to see which performs best.

Ask ChatGPT for Critiques

This powerful AI tool can provide valuable insights and recommendations for improving your email marketing efforts. For example, ask if your email draft contains any spam trigger words!

Golden ChatGPT Email Formula

If you rely on ChatGPT to do all the heavy lifting, you will end up with thin, generic content that won’t resonate with anyone (but there are lots of creative ways you can use ChatGPT for brand building). 

But when you combine your knowledge of your target audience with the power of ChatGPT for productivity and efficiency, the results can be incredible.

The formula is simple yet powerful: W + W + K/B

  • Who am I talking to? What do they do for a living? What are their interests and pain points?
  • What action do I want this person to take? Do you want them to book a consultation? Or subscribe to your list? Download a free e-book? 
  • What does this person need to know or believe in to take action? The benefits of the new product, how it compares to similar products, and why it’s worth the investment. What biases or objections might they have about your service? Is it the cost? The time commitment? The trustworthiness of providers they’ve had in the past?

These are essential questions that every email marketer should be asking themselves before they even start writing. 

To use the Golden ChatGPT Email Formula with ChatGPT, feed the information into ChatGPT as context before you ask it to generate outputs. 

The Most Important Thing in Email Marketing

The secret sauce in email marketing is knowing your subscriber like the back of your hand.

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If you want your subscribers to feel like you really get them, you’ve got to talk to them about their fears, anxieties, hopes, and dreams. Maybe they’re struggling with acne, their weight, or their finances. Maybe they absolutely love Pomeranians! 

And not just any old way, but in their own words.

That’s how you build trust and empathy, which gets your emails eagerly anticipated, opened, and acted on.

But you can only do that if you know your subscriber like they’re your best friend.

So how do you get to know them? 

The best way is to talk to them directly via a survey. 

Email Survey ChatGPT Prompt

Here’s a great ChatGPT prompt for this:

“Imagine you represent a [niche] brand that wants to improve its products based on customer feedback. Compose an email to a customer who recently purchased an [Offer] from [Brand]. In the Email, cover the following points:

Thank the customer for their recent purchase and express your appreciation for their support.

Ask the customer to share their thoughts on the product and their customer journey.

Ask the following questions in the email for your customer details:

  • What made you choose [OFFER]?
  • Have you tried similar products before? If so, which ones and how do they compare to [OFFER]?
  • Has [OFFER] made a positive impact on your life? If so, how?
  • Is there anything we can do to improve [OFFER]?

Assure the customer that their responses will be kept confidential and will help you improve your products and services in the future. Lastly, thank the customer for the feedback. Use [niche] puns and write as if you’re talking from friend to friend.”

The Ultimate ChatGPT Subject Line Formula

Here’s a powerful formula that can significantly increase the chances of your emails getting opened:

Curiosity + Self-Interest = lots of opens.

John Caples, a legendary copywriter, and author of Tested Advertising Methods, introduced this formula.

Next, we’ll discuss how you can apply this formula to your email subject lines.

ChatGPT Subject Line Generation Prompts

Here are some email subject line prompts you will love.

1. Deconstruct + Repuporse

If you already have a list of effective subject lines, you can ask ChatGPT to repurpose them for your niche + target audience (and also make sure to check out ChatGPT for sales).

I got my hands on these:

  • At-home workouts don’t work, unless…
  • Top 4 beginner workout “errors” revealed
  • Maybe the laziest way to double your fitness results
  • Add This to Your Coffee for Health

Next, I asked ChatGPT to repurpose these subject lines for a dog audience (and what they care about). This is where you insert the expertise we gathered from the survey!

2. Weird Mechanism + Desired Benefit

A weird mechanism is an unconventional way to achieve a desired benefit. For example, when people encounter something unexpected or unusual, they’re more likely to take notice and investigate further. 

Here are some examples of subject lines that showcase the [weird mechanism] + [desired benefit] formula for a dog audience:

  • “Weird doggy treat banishes bad breath (and improves their mood)”
  • “Tibetan method trains dog to clean up their toys”
  • “Strange Tibetan secret gets your dog to love crate”
  • “Little-known technique reduces separation anxiety”

Next, use this formula to instruct ChatGPT to generate subject lines for your niche. Again, it’s best to prompt ChatGPT with relevant examples to your target audience. 

Lastly, emphasize the goal to pique curiosity, and voila!

3. Problem + Hint at Solution

This classic space ad formula is one of my all-time favorites.

Here’s how it goes: you start with a specific problem and then drop a hint at the solution. After that, it works like a charm.

Sure, you might see a dip in open rates, but the specificity of the problem can lead to more clicks and conversions.

Here are some examples:

  • Tired of being tired? Natural cure
  • Can’t focus? Do this!

Now, you can instruct ChatGPT to follow the formula I’ve provided. 

Make sure to add context surrounding the following questions:

  • Who are you writing for?
  • What do you want to emphasize?
  • What is the intent of the email subject line?

How To Hook Email Readers with ChatGPT (From The First Word)

You can have all the opens in the world, but if your readers aren’t hooked from the first word, they don’t read the rest of your email. They aren’t going to buy anything, either!

Here are a few rules to hook more readers:

  • It should be congruent with your subject line
  • Keep it short and sweet
  • Stimulate curiosity or promise a benefit, or better yet, both!

1. Open with a Surprising Fact

First, try opening your emails with a surprising fact; ChatGPT can help you. Facts can capture readers’ attention and pique their curiosity, making them more likely to read on. (We go into detail on how to find facts with ChatGPT).

2. Lead with an Irresistible Story

Next, ask ChatGPT to craft an irresistible story, but ensure it’s centered around your subscriber. For maximum impact, the story should demonstrate how your reader can gain a desired benefit or avoid pain or problem they fear.

Using ChatGPT for Email Marketing (Prompt and Email Ideas)

Here are some ideas for you to try with different types of emails.

1. Re-Engage a “Dead” List

Do you have an email list that’s been idle for a while? Or perhaps have some inactive subscribers? Well, then I have a template that can help you out.

Before you blast emails using these ChatGPT prompts, re-engage your “dead” list.

The power of this template is to make your email heartfelt.

Begin by admitting, “Hey, I know I haven’t honored my end of the bargain,” so that your subscribers know you’re a genuine person who realizes you haven’t delivered the emails your subscribers signed up for.

From there, emphasize the value (or the promise of value soon) you’ll provide. It could be new product launches or exclusive tips and tricks that your subscribers will appreciate.

However, giving subscribers an easy way out is crucial if they prefer to opt out. This shows that you respect their time and inbox and empowers them to take control of their relationship with you.

So look at the template below, customize it, and let’s revive your email list!

  • Start with a greeting and introduce yourself.
  • Acknowledge the lapse in communication and apologize for it.
  • Emphasize the importance of consistency and engagement in building relationships.
  • Reiterate your content’s value and express your commitment to providing more of it.
  • Offer either new content/resources or a question to engage the subscriber and encourage a response.
  • End by thanking the subscriber and offering an opportunity to unsubscribe if they are no longer interested.

2. The Welcome Email

Your welcome Email is the workhorse of your business emails. It’s like a first date that determines the course of your relationship with your subscriber. Will they see you as a trustworthy friend or leave you in their inbox with hundreds of others?

Don’t forget to include all of these ingredients in your Welcome Email to make sure it’s a success:

  • Make a great first impression
  • Set expectations
  • Request action
  • Polarization

Be bold and come out and say what you stand for (or against). Alexander Hamilton stated, “Those who stand for nothing fall for everything.”

If some people unsubscribe at this stage, that’s a great thing! The objective here is to build a list of people who are aligned with your core values and feel a strong connection to you.

Here’s a prompt to get you started:

  1. Briefly acknowledge and compliment the recipient on inviting you to their inbox, making them feel good about their decision to invite you in.
  2. Acknowledge any previous interactions with the recipient and express excitement to continue the relationship.
  3. Here’s where you mention your freebie. Use this section to overcome the major objection we all must overcome: recipients downloading “freebies” and totally ignoring them.
  4. Use authenticity, storytelling, humor, and tone to connect with the recipient and make your message memorable.
  5. Reinforce the benefits of the content or resources you’re offering and how they can help the recipient achieve their goals.
  6. End with a clear call-to-action, directing the recipient to consume the resource.

And here’s the output!

If you’re struggling to tweak the prompt, don’t be afraid to take my output and use the “Deconstruct + Repurpose” method I highlighted in the subject line section above!

3. The Hold my Hand Email

Now, let’s write a killer “Hold My Hand” email that speaks to those skeptical, jaded, and burned-out subscribers. These prospects want results but feel overwhelmed and confused about how to get there.

Now, the conflict between desire and doubt is something that many buyers face in any market – whether it’s weight loss, dating, business, dog training, or beyond. It’s a tough nut to crack, but it’s not impossible. 

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The “Hold My Hand” Email is your secret weapon in this battle.

Here’s the structure:

  1. Reaffirm the benefits your subscribers want to achieve. What are their hopes and dreams? What motivates them to make a change in their life? Or what pain are you helping them avoid?
  2. Acknowledge the roadblocks to success that your subscribers have faced in the past. What fears and anxieties have held them back? By acknowledging these roadblocks, you can show your subscribers that it’s not their fault they haven’t achieved the results they want.
  3. Use your subscribers’ words to show that you understand their fears and anxieties. This is a powerful way to build rapport and establish trust.
  4. Amplify their desire by using future pacing to paint a vivid picture of what your subscriber’s life will be like. Use “Imagine If” statements to help your subscribers visualize the positive outcomes of their hard work and dedication.
  5. Finally, link to your offer (program, coaching, etc.) and promise a step-by-step plan or method to help your subscribers achieve their goals. You’ll want to show your unique email marketing process, so things will be different this time.

ChatGPT A/B Testing Prompts

Remember my “hold my hand” Email? Well, I asked ChatGPT to give me a variation.

Specifically, I wanted to test a different layout structure and add some “imagine if” statements to get the reader to visualize the desired result of their dog behaving perfectly.

So I kept adding more “imagine if” statements until I had a total of 5!

You can also refine an email by switching up the tone.

While you could ask ChatGPT to switch the tone to “persuasive” or “witty,” aiming for the best in the business is even better. 

And who are the best in the business? This list identifies the top 20 copywriters who make the most money. Names like Joe Coleman and Laurence Blume are at the top of the list.

Using AI Templates (With Jasper)

With Jasper, you can forget about spending hours brainstorming and crafting the perfect email copy. Instead, you can leverage its pre-programmed templates to create killer emails in minutes.

I know what you’re thinking: “But Trevor, what about ChatGPT?”

Well, my friend, while ChatGPT is great for generating original, personalized content, Jasper’s templates can save you precious time and effort.

It has specific templates you can leverage for both subject lines and email!

Jasper also has an awesome document editor and Boss Mode, so you can write and switch between templates in one place.

Get Jasper Right Here

ChatGPT Email Marketing Game (Feedback and Compliance)

One of the best ways to get feedback on your writing is by using ChatGPT. For email marketing, this can be especially helpful to ensure that your emails are not triggering any spam filters or violating compliance issues.

Simply provide ChatGPT with your Email and ask for suggestions on improving it.

For example, I asked ChatGPT, “Can you please look at this email and point out any spam triggers or compliance issues that might be contained within it? How could I improve it?”

ChatGPT For Email Marketing – Final Thoughts

While ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in email marketing, it’s important to remember that it’s not a substitute for understanding the fundamentals of email marketing, copywriting, and your audience’s needs (although ChatGPT can be used for marketing in various ways). 

It’s important to remember that ChatGPT is only as good as the information and guidance it’s given. You will be head and shoulders above the average email copywriter using the tips I’ve provided in this blog post (and check out our article on ChatGPT for copywriting for more). 

So, use ChatGPT wisely and clearly understand its limitations, and you’ll be on your way to crafting successful email marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience.

For related reading, check out:

  • How to Use ChatGPT for SEO
  • How to Make Money With ChatGPT

That concludes the article: ChatGPT Email Marketing Tips: 7+ Prompt Ideas for Awesome Emails
I hope this article has provided you with valuable knowledge. If you find it useful, feel free to leave a comment and recommend our website!
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